October 31, 2023

When performance fees punish

Six nasty hidden pitfalls that hammer your investments PERFORMANCE FEES are becoming an increasingly popular method of charging among asset managers—but there are nasty hidden pitfalls in calculations that can cost investors dearly. A growing number of asset management companies are turning to performance fees as an alternative to fees as a percentage of assets under management.  The latter can be a lucrative and easy way for investment professionals to make loads of money for doing very little to outpace the market. While 2% of an investment may seem like a small figure to pay for the services of a […]
October 31, 2023

The requirements for a registered office of a company

One aspect that is often not considered in great detail during the formation and registration of a juristic person in South Africa is its registered office, also often referred to as its registered address. Parties often opt to use a convenient location as a company’s registered address and do not give it sufficient consideration when registering a company or when moving a company from one location to another. This article will briefly consider the legal requirements relating to a company’s registered office. The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) has done a great deal to streamline the processes which it […]
October 31, 2023

Avoid unnecessary costs abroad: Say no to dynamic currency conversion

Although exchange rates can make traveling abroad expensive, it’s possible to minimise extra costs for the sake of convenience. A significant aspect of travel is the excitement of exploring the unfamiliar, such as a new environment, customs, or food. However, when making payments overseas, many people prefer using their domestic currency to feel more at ease. This preference has become a widespread and costly practice for travellers using ATMs or making electronic payments at stores and eateries. For instance, a foreign patron might be presented with an option to pay in their native currency instead of the local one when […]
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