T Roos | Dynamic Tax and Accounting Firm


A remarkable number of non-residents own property in South Africa. While non-residents are not subject to South African capital gains tax generally, an exception is to be found where non-residents dispose of South African immovable property, or shares in “South African property rich” companies.A obvious practical difficulty arises though for SARS to collect taxes from non-residents once they have sold their properties and have no further connection with South Africa. There is very little SARS can do to collect a tax debt from such non-residents, let alone compel them to file the necessary tax returns.

Section 35A of the Income Tax Act[1] was introduced for this reason. It levies an interim withholding tax on non-residents selling South African immovable property, required to be withheld from the selling price payable by the non-resident, on the following basis:

  • 5% of the selling price where the seller is a non-resident natural person;
  • 5% of the selling price where the seller is a non-resident company; and
  • 10% of the selling price where the seller is a non-resident trust.

In clause 10(1) of the draft Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill, which was released concurrently with the Annual National Budget earlier this year, it is proposed that the rates above be increased to 7.5%, 10% and 15% respectively and effective to disposals of immovable property from 22 February 2017.

While ultimately the withholding obligation lies with the purchaser paying the purchase amount, a conveyancer or estate agent may also be liable where the withholding tax is not withheld from payments made to the non-resident seller.[2]

As referred to above, the withholding tax is not a final tax and its purpose is merely to secure the ultimate capital gains tax liability that may ultimately be due (and which would in most circumstances be substantially less the amount withheld). To the extent that a lesser amount is due in the form of a capital gains tax exposure for the non-resident, the balance overpaid is refunded to the seller upon submission of an annual income tax return.

It is also possible for a non-resident to apply for a tax directive that no withholding tax needs to be withheld from the selling price of the property sold. The directive may be based on either:[3]

(a) the extent to which the seller is willing to provide for security for the payment of taxes due to SARS on the disposal of the property;

(b) the extent of the other assets that the seller has in the Republic;

(c) whether the seller is potentially not subject to tax in respect of the disposal of the property; and

(d) whether the actual liability of that seller for tax in respect of the disposal of the property is less than the amount required to be withheld.

[1] 58 of 1962

[2] Section 35A(12)

[3] Section 35A(2)

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