T Roos | Dynamic Tax and Accounting Firm

Unlocking the benefits of expert tax planning

Tax planning is the strategic organisation of financial affairs to minimise tax liability by utilising deductions, exemptions, allowances, and rebates within the confines of the law. Despite the perceived complexity, tax planning offers streamlined financial management and significant savings. For business owners, it is an ongoing commitment with substantial benefits, going beyond tax payment to […]

Deciphering the dilemma: To sell or not to sell your property amid financial strain

Given the current economic climate, many homeowners in South Africa might find themselves facing the challenge of keeping up with their monthly bond repayments. In such instances, it may be tempting to consider selling the property to relieve financial pressure. However, before you make a hasty decision, it is crucial to understand all the factors […]

Deducting income tax and CGT for estate duty

Is subjecting taxpayers to estate duty on post-death asset growth appropriate? IN 1789 Benjamin Franklin said that “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. He was right about death—but anyone who has had to interpret our tax laws would know that the task is fraught with uncertainty. This […]

A dive into South Africa’s revised assessed losses regulations

Navigating the complex world of corporate finance and tax regulations can be challenging for businesses. South Africa has recently undergone significant changes in its tax landscape, including limits on assessed losses and adjustments to corporate income tax rates. To stay informed, adaptable, and compliant, companies must seek expert advice and gain a better understanding of […]

Ways to navigate an interest rate hike in South Africa: The power of expert advice

When the sun is shining, it is the opportune time to fix the roof. This adage is especially true in the context of economic situations, where preparation is key to weathering financial storms. In South Africa, as in many parts of the world, interest rates have seen an upward trend, posing significant implications for personal […]

Flying towards a tax saving: Double Tax Agreement, or financial emigration?

Having visited over 12 international locations in 2022, and engaging with South African expatriates, we can attest to a recent report issued by the United Nations, which found that around 900 000 South Africans are already living and working overseas—and indeed, this may well be an understatement. The common misconception amongst expatriates, however, is that getting […]

What you need to know regarding home office expenses

The way we work on a day-to-day basis changed significantly since the Covid-19 pandemic with many employers adopting a more hybrid working model. This new economic environment and new ways of working created an environment where SARS and taxpayers had to adapt accordingly with new focus on salaried employees working from home to claim certain […]

The seven myths of investing

The misguided assumptions that exist in financial markets Myths are widely held beliefs that are mistaken as truths. For example, for long periods of time, people believed (and acted) as if the world was flat. Below are similarly misguided assumptions that exist in the financial markets that I have come across during my investment career. […]

Maximising your dividend income

You could improve your return by selling the share instead of waiting for the dividend payout—but there are caveats. I was recently asked an interesting question about dividends.  The person concerned was curious as to whether—from a tax and return perspective—it is better to take the dividend itself, or sell the share and take the […]

Follow due process, yes – but be reasonable!

Condonation for the late filing of legal documentation depends on whether the interests of justice will be served by the court granting such condonation In taxpayer  M v CSARS (Case Number VAT1826) heard by the Gauteng Tax court, Windell, J handed down an important decision regarding the validity of a default notice (and the resultant […]

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