July 6, 2022

The subdivision of Agricultural Land Act No. 70 of 1970 explained: Part 1

The subdivision of agricultural land or “farmland” is regulated by the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act No. 70 of 1970 (hereafter “the Act”) which came into operation on 2 January 1971. Baker J, in the case of Van der Bijl v Louw, stated that the Act has its purpose in preventing the situation where farming units are created which are not economical or could be described as non-viable subunits. This prevention objective is achieved in essence by the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development of South Africa, who has to give their consent before any subdivision may lawfully be […]
December 9, 2021

The ups and downs of property co-ownership

Property ownership is no small feat. It is one of the most reliable forms of investment and one of the biggest items that most people have on their financial “to-do” lists. Unfortunately, it is not always an easily achievable goal. Property ownership has always been a costly endeavour, and in recent years the age of first-time homeowners has been steadily increasing as younger professionals find their financial footing later than in previous years, making the one option that helps property buyers side-step the financial burden is co-ownership. But how beneficial is this path really? Co-ownership is when one or more […]
November 15, 2021

Preparing your budget for your dream home

Purchasing a new home is undoubtedly an exciting decision, but it is also an extremely emotional one. A home is where family traditions are brought to life and where lifelong memories are made. However, in addition to the immense pride that comes with having a place to call your own, comes the heavy costs that tend to come along with purchasing your new place, which you may not even be aware of. When purchasing property, it is important to look beyond just the purchase price – there are a number of other costs that should be included into your budget […]
December 11, 2020

Emigrating while retaining your property?

The exodus of South Africans to foreign jurisdictions has been well publicised, and due to this, much has been written about the so-called “exit tax” that applies when one ceases to be a tax resident in South Africa, as well as matters relating to foreign employment income earned. However, what is often overlooked is what happens when you emigrate but retain your home in South Africa. The general principle is that when you cease to be a South African tax resident, your home (constituting immovable property in South Africa) will not be subject to the “exit charge”, since that immovable property always remains a […]
June 2, 2017


A remarkable number of non-residents own property in South Africa. While non-residents are not subject to South African capital gains tax generally, an exception is to be found where non-residents dispose of South African immovable property, or shares in “South African property rich” companies.A obvious practical difficulty arises though for SARS to collect taxes from non-residents once they have sold their properties and have no further connection with South Africa. There is very little SARS can do to collect a tax debt from such non-residents, let alone compel them to file the necessary tax returns. Section 35A of the Income […]
June 1, 2017


In Suid-Afrika word inkomstebelasting op ‘n bronbasis gehef, met ander woorde, alle Suid-Afrikaanse bron inkomste is onderhewig aan inkomstebelasting, ongeag of dit deur Suid-Afrikaanse belastingpligtiges verdien is al dan nie. Suid-Afrikaanse belastingpligtiges word egter ook op hul wêreldwye verdienste belas, ongeag of die inkomste vanuit ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse bron ontstaan het al dan nie. Nie-belastingpligtiges word egter nie op buitelandse inkomste belas nie.In ‘n toenemende wêreldgemeenskap waar individue meer dikwels oor grense reis en in staat is om oor bates in verskeie lande te beskik, word dit belangrik vir individue wat bande met Suid-Afrika het om seker te maak of hulle […]
May 8, 2017


Property related transactions are typically significant transactions, and therefore tax considerations linked thereto should be carefully considered. One such consideration involves the timing of the disposal of immovable property that was held by persons as capital assets. Sales of such property will comprise a transaction subject to capital gains tax (“CGT”). This article considers when the property in question will have been “disposed” of for CGT purposes, and which surprisingly appears very often NOT to be the date of transfer in the Deeds’ Office (which many assume to be the case). Paragraph 13 of the Eighth Schedule[1] determines when an […]
May 8, 2017


Die voorlopige belasting-regime funksioneer as ‘n deurlopende kontantvloeimeganisme ten gunste van die Regering waarvolgens belasting voorlopig betaal word op inkomste verdien in afwagting op die finale belastingaanspreeklikheid wat bereken word wanneer ‘n persoon finaal vir inkomstebelasting aangeslaan word. Wanneer ‘n persoon vir voorlopige belasting geregistreer is, word daar vereis dat vooruitskattings van belasbare inkomste sesmaandeliks aan die SAID voorgelê word (en voorlopige belasting dienooreenkomstig betaal word), naamlik na die eerste 6 maande van die aanvang van die persoon se belastingjaar en weer op die laaste dag van daardie belastingjaar. Heelwat van ons kliënte is nie vir voorlopige belasting geregistreer nie, […]
October 7, 2015

Is die koper van ‘n vaste eiendom verantwoordelik?

Is die koper van ‘n eiendom verantwoordelik vir die betaling van uitstaande munisipale skuld wat deur die vorige eienaar van die eiendom opgeloop is? Die kort antwoord is “Nie meer nie”. Lees asseblief die res van die artikel vir die meer volledige antwoord. Wat in die verlede gebeur het Munisipaliteite moes uitklaringsertifikate rakende munisipale skuld uitreik waarsonder geen eiendom vanaf ‘n verkoper na ‘n koper oorgedra kon word nie. Hierdie sertifikate het gesertifiseer dat alle uitstaande skuld wat aan ‘n munisipaliteit verskuldig is tot op die datum van oordrag ten volle vereffen is. Kopers van eiendom het redelikerwys op die […]
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