December 15, 2022

Welkom 2023

‘n Voorspoedige 2023 word vir al ons T Roos  kliënte en personeel toegewens! Mag julle elkeen ‘n jaar van onvoorwaardelike liefde, nimmereindigende vrede en tonne voorspoed en geluk geniet. Mag julle elke dag God se droom vir julle lewe uitleef. ‘n Vriendelike verwelkoming aan al ons personeel, ons vertrou julle het die feestyd geniet en lekker uitgerus. ‘n Vriendelike verwelkoming ook aan die nuwe personeel wat by ons T Roos “familie” aangesluit het, ons weet julle gaan dit baie geniet hier en vertrou dat julle ‘n aanwins tot die praktyk sal wees. Hierdie artikel is algemene inligtingsblad en moet nie […]
January 11, 2022

Welkom by 2022!

‘n Voorspoedige 2022 word vir al ons T Roos & Kie kliënte en personeel toegewens! Mag julle elkeen ‘n jaar van onvoorwaardelike liefde, nimmereindigende vrede en  tonne voorspoed en geluk geniet. Mag julle elke dag God se droom vir julle lewe uitleef. ‘n Vriendelike verwelkoming aan al ons personeel, ons vertrou julle het die feestyd geniet en lekker uitgerus. ‘n Vriendelike verwelkoming ook  aan die nuwe personeel wat by ons T Roos “familie” aangesluit het, ons weet julle gaan dit baie geniet hier en vertrou dat julle ‘n aanwins tot die praktyk sal wees. This article is a general information […]
April 6, 2020

COVID-19 Relief Mechanisms

Small Business Sector Tax Relief SARS TAX RELIEF IS NOT AUTOMATIC If the company can afford the tax liability, the company is required to pay the full amount.  Proof to be provided that company is unable (due to the effect of COVID-19) to pay the liability.  Tax relief is aimed at distressed companies. Contributions to UIF and SDL Potential temporary reduction in employer and employee contributions to both UIF and SDL. Requirements are still to be confirmed. Delay of payments of taxes Relief Options Requirements PAYE liabilities Defer 20% of prospective PAYE liability over the next 4 months Turnover ≤ […]
March 24, 2020

TROOS measures during the national lockdown

Dear clients, To mitigate the impact of the COVID 19 outbreak we at T ROOS ACCOUNTANTS have introduced the following measures to ensure we provide the same quality of services to our clients before and during the lockdown period: Clients are welcome to visit our offices till close of business on Thursday the 26th of March 2020. Face to face meetings with clients will be possible up to Thursday the 26th of March 2020, thereafter only telecom or skype meetings will be available. For clients located in the Bloemfontein area we have made our messenger available to collect documents from […]
January 17, 2019


‘n Voorspoedige 2019 word vir al ons T Roos  kliënte en personeel toegewens! Mag julle elkeen ‘n jaar van onvoorwaardelike liefde, nimmereindigende vrede en tonne voorspoed en geluk geniet. Mag julle elke dag God se droom vir julle lewe uitleef. ‘n Vriendelike verwelkoming aan al ons personeel, ons vertrou julle het die feestyd geniet en lekker uitgerus. ‘n Vriendelike verwelkoming ook aan die nuwe personeel wat by ons T Roos “familie” aangesluit het, ons weet julle gaan dit baie geniet hier en vertrou dat julle ‘n aanwins tot die praktyk sal wees. Hierdie artikel is ʼn algemene inligtingsblad en moet […]
September 18, 2018

Internal news (Sept 2018)

Casual Day 2018 Thank you to each and every one from T Roos for your unbelievable support of Casual Day this year! Congratulations to our T Roos best dressed winners of the day – Max Ntsumele, Petri Cronjé and Elias Maimba. Be an everyday hero! Nelson Mandela Day 2018 Thank you to each and everyone who gave donations for Mandela Day, It’s much appreciated by children in need. Spanbou 2018: ‘n Paar manne by die kantoor het besluit dis tyd vir ‘n spanbou sessie en so het dit uitgeloop op ‘n 9 gat gholfspel by Tempe Golfklub. Hulle het in […]
February 2, 2018


Day Zero is closer than ever and may even occur sooner than expected as on the 21ST of April 2018. This will not only influence the Western Cape, but South Africa as a whole. With the 50-litres-per-day-for-the-next-150-days alarms going off, will the looming ‘Day Zero’ affect those beyond the Western Cape? Water is a daily need – cooking, drinking, hygiene – and the need for it is far greater than what the city has left. Water meters are being monitored, swimming pools are being emptied, and monthly tariffs have increased to ensure that households use water within the set restrictions. […]
December 5, 2017


Nog ‘n jaar is verby en met die laaste nuusbrief van  2017 wil ons al ons kliënte bedank vir hulle ondersteuning en ‘n baie geseënde feestyd en voorspoedige 2018 toewens. Aan al ons personeel baie dankie vir die hardewerk en suksesvolle 2018. Mag elkeen van julle die feestyd en ruskans geniet en kom veilig terug. Another year has passed and with the last newsletter for 2017, we want to thank all our customers for their support and wish them a very blessed festive season and prosperous 2018. Thank you to all our staff for the hard work and a successful […]
December 5, 2017


Every year we give a reward to the best trainee accountant of the year.  Hazel Ntoko and Petri Cronje were respectively chosen as SAICA and SAIPA trainees for 2017. Congratulations to you and thank you for all your hard work and dedication.
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